Barre. Pilates. Fitness for all.

Core Collective classes are designed for every body. Experienced instructors offer modifications and options for each exercise, so you’ll get the workout that your unique body needs. Come as you are—all are welcome.


Group Fitness Classes

With a variety of class styles and exercises to keep your mind and body continually adapting, you won’t get bored doing the same workout day after day. From fast-paced cardio circuits to restorative flows, there’s a class for everyone at Core Collective.


Core Barre Classic

Accessible to everyone (no ballet experience required!), our signature barre class combines attributes of Pilates, dance, and functional fitness.

Using small, isolated movements to fatigue the muscles, larger range of motion movements to elevate the heart rate, and sequencing that incorporates both upper and lower body, we make every minute count. The result? A total body workout that leaves you mentally strong and feeling accomplished. Upbeat instructors and killer playlists provide the fuel for an intense and FUN workout!

Barre Classic is a 55-minute class. We also offer Barre Express, which is a 45-minute version of our signature class. Wear comfortable workout clothes and bring a bottle of water. Grip socks (we sell them in studio) are required for all barre classes.


Pilates Mat

Find your focus, strengthen your entire body, and stretch your limits with our 45-minute mat class. At Core Collective, our Pilates instructors are certified through Power Pilates and carry on the tradition of Classical Pilates as created by Joseph Pilates.

Working the principles of concentration, breath, precision, and flow, you'll work your deep core and leave feeling energized, flexible, and strong! With your own body as resistance, you will effectively work all muscle groups with low-impact movements. This class offers modifications and challenging variations, and is open to all levels.


Barre Strength

Get lean and strong with this 45-minute bootcamp-inspired class! Expect a new challenge each time. Some classes may feature more heart-rate elevating cardio sprints intermixed with functional strength work in a circuit format. As with all of our classes, modifications and progressions will be offered to keep everyone working at the level that’s best for their body on that day. Beginners are welcome!


Barre Flow

Part strength, part stretch, Barre Flow is a 45-minute full-body workout designed to leave you feeling strong (sweaty!) and revitalized. Gently strengthens and tones both beginner and experienced barre clients. Work is done both at the barre and on the mat. Class ends with a lovely two-minute savasana and a cool, lavender-infused cloth to settle the mind and soothe the soul. 


Now offering Yoga at Core Collective!

RYT-200 Yoga Instructors are now on staff, enabling us to offer you even more ways to mindfully move your body.

Power Flow

Strengthen and tone with this 45 minute yoga power flow. Develop balance, strength and flexibility as we connect traditional yoga poses through Vinyasa. This class will leave you feeling strong, energized and refreshed as we create a non-stop flow from one pose to the next. Mats are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own.


Gentle Flow

Connect with your breath, stretch, flow, and unwind in this gentle class designed for all levels. A perfect complement to your higher intensity workouts, this class will help melt away the stress, leaving you with a sense of peace and calm. Expect longer holds and restorative movement. Some evening classes will be taught by candlelight to create a beautifully serene atmosphere. Mats are provided, but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer.


Private Pilates Lessons

Complete coordination of mind, body, and spirit.

Develop balanced strength and stability from the core. With a complete studio of apparatus available, we use a systematic, integrative approach to progress through a system of exercises on the mat, reformer, wunda chair, Cadillac, and barrels. Private and/or duet lessons are with studio owner Elizabeth, a Power Pilates certified instructor.

Among the many benefits of a regular Pilates practice, you can expect better posture and alignment, balanced strength and flexibility, and uniformly developed muscles to support your daily activities.


Personal Training

Not into group fitness? Working on a specific goal?

Work one-on-one directly with Elizabeth, a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, to achieve your individual goals. Whether you’re looking to shed body fat, build lean muscle, develop balance and flexibility, or just feel better in your body, we can work together to create a program that fits your unique needs.

With dedicated weight training and Pilates areas, Core Collective is equipped for your success. Ready? Let’s get to work.

Personal Training

Flexible memberships.

No initiation fees.

No contracts.


Get unlimited barre and Pilates for $125/month

As many classes as you like. In-studio or online.